Evidence Required to Establish Exposure from Celotex Asbestos Products

Convincing evidence of exposure to Celotex or Carey Canada asbestos-containing products must include the following information:

  • Occupation and description of job duties that led to exposure to Celotex or Carey Canada  asbestos-containing products.
  • Description of the industry where exposed, and why and how the asbestos-containing product was used in this industry, at each specific exposure site.
  • Employer(s) or job site(s) where exposure occurred.
  • Time period employed at each specific job site.
  • Nature of the injured person’s exposure to Celotex or Carey Canada asbestos-containing products (e.g., the frequency of exposure, the duration of exposure, whether exposure was from working directly with the product, working in the area where the product was handled, working in the area where the product was present).

If the claimant was first directly exposed to Celotex or Carey Canada asbestos-containing products prior to 1975 in any industry other than shipyards, insulation, utilities, or petrochemical the claim filing must include:

  • All available evidence that conclusively demonstrates the presence of Celotex or Carey Canada asbestos-containing products at the site of the claimed exposure, at the time the claimant worked at the site. This evidence should include, where possible, proof of purchase, affidavits of those who purchased products, identification of others knowledgeable of the products used or installed at the site.

If the claimant was first exposed to Celotex or Carey Canada asbestos-containing products after 1975, the claim filing must include:

  • Demonstrated employment in an occupation involving maintenance, rip-out, renovation, or repair of equipment or facilities where Celotex or Carey Canada asbestos-containing products were used.